The village was founded in 1777 and has a population of 14,338 people as of 2021. With an area of 15.00 km2, the population density is 955.87 people per km2. The village has developed infrastructure, with a House of Culture "Victory", Intersettlement Central Library, Children's library, Museum of History and Local Lore, Sports Association, Central Regional Hospital, Pravoegorlyksky watering and irrigation canal, apartment buildings, house of life, house of justice, park recreation area, fire department, two cemeteries, and a well-developed street lighting system. The village is also home to several monuments, including a mass grave of civilians shot by the Nazis, a monument to Lenin, a memorial sign at the site of the St. Petersburg-Tiflis postal route, and a memorial sign on the western corner of the earthen rampart of the Don Fortress.