Draft:Edwin Pawlowicz

Edwin Pawlowicz, alias "Andrzej" (born February 21,1900 in Pinsk; died September 25,1943 in Lodz), was a road and bridge construction engineer who, during World War II, was the commander of the Home Army's special sabotage unit "Andrzej" and a lieutenant in the sappers' reserve. The Gestapo executed him in Lodz because of his sabotage activities.[1][2]

  1. ^ https://czaz.akademiazamojska.edu.pl/index.php/az/article/view/840 ZAMOJSKA ACADEMY - Organizational structures of the Polish Underground State in the General Government - page 84 - AKADEMIA ZAMOJSKA - Struktury organizacyjne Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie - str. 84
  2. ^ "Kedyw of the Warsaw District of the Home Army in the years 1943-1944" Henryk Witkowski - "Kedyw Okręgu Warszawskiego Armii Krajowej w latach 1943-1944" Henryk Witkowski