Draft:Weather Specialty Team

Weather Specialty Team (WST)

A Weather Specialty Team (WST) is a team of specialized weather personnel that provides weather support for air operations in an Air Operations Center (AOC). In an AOC the WST falls under the control of the Combat Operations Division (COD). The team is typically composed of meteorologists, weather technicians, and other weather specialists who are responsible for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating weather information to support air operations.

The primary role of the WST is to provide weather information to all divisions of the Air Operations Center to include (COD, CPD, ISRD, STRAT, and AMD). The WST works closely with the Chief of Combat operations (CCO), Senior Air Defense Officer (SADO), Senior Offensive Duty Officer (SODO) and Tanker Airlift Duty Officer (TADO) to ensure that weather information is integrated into overall air operations planning and execution.

The WST is typically staffed by Air Force personnel who have specialized training in weather operations, including meteorology, weather analysis, and weather forecasting.

Weather Specialty Team Locations

601st AOC WST Tyndall AFB, FL (FL ANG)

603th AOC WST Ramstein AB, Germany

607th AOC WST Osan AB, South Korea

608th AOC WST Barksdale AFB, LA

609th AOC WST Ai Udeid AB, Qatar

611th AOC WST Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK

612th AOC WST David Mothan AFB, AZ

613th AOC WST Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI

618th AOC WST Scott AFB, IL