
Dror-Israel logo
Dror Israel's shirt (left) takes inspiration from the Hanoar Haoved Ve'Halomed Youth Movement's shirt (right). The blue that symbolises the working class is darker and the red string is replaced by a red V collar.

Dror-Israel's (Hebrew: דרור-ישראל) stated mission is to educate and empower young people and those on the social and geographic periphery to actively contribute to their communities and to create a shared society in Israel. Through schools for youth at risk, Jewish-Arab programs, the youth movement, educational workshops, intentional community projects, and national social justice initiatives, Dror Israel inspires inclusivity, equality, and responsibility for oneself and one’s community.[1]

Dror Israel emphasizes participation from every sector of Israeli society, including Ethiopian and Russian immigrants, Arab Israelis, Druze and Bedouins, and middle class and working class communities. In the past decade, Dror Israel has established 16 educators' kibbutzim in the social and geographic periphery of Israel. There are currently 1,200 young adults living in these kibbutzim, aged 20–40, who work daily in the organization's educational, cultural and social activities with over 100,000 children, teens and adults.[2]

Sukkot at Dror Israel's Educators' Kibbutz in Beer Sheva
  1. ^ Sover, Tali. "כולם בשביל אחד | מה בדיוק מפחיד חלק מההורים של חברי תנועת דרור ישראל?".
  2. ^ "About us". Dror Israel.