Dryad (repository)

Developer(s)National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, UNC-CH Metadata Research Center, Oxford University, The British Library, California Digital Library
Initial releaseJanuary 2008
Written inRuby
LicenseNew BSD license

Dryad is an international open-access repository of research data, especially data underlying scientific and medical publications (mainly of evolutionary, genetic, and ecology biology). Dryad is a curated general-purpose repository that makes data discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. The scientific, educational, and charitable mission of Dryad is to provide the infrastructure for and promote the re-use of scholarly research data.

The vision of Dryad is a scholarly communication system in which learned societies, publishers, institutions of research and education, funding bodies and other stakeholders collaboratively sustain and promote the preservation and reuse of research data.

Dryad aims to allow researchers to validate published findings, explore new analysis methodologies, re-purpose data for research questions unanticipated by the original authors, and perform synthetic studies such as formal meta-analyses. For many publications, existing data repositories do not capture the whole data package. As a result, many important datasets are not being preserved and are no longer available, or usable, at the time that they are sought by later investigators.[1]

Dryad serves as a repository for tables, spreadsheets, flat files, and all other kinds of published data for which specialized repositories do not already exist. Optimally, authors submit data to Dryad in conjunction with article publication, so that links to the data can be included in the published article. All data files in Dryad are associated with a published article, and are made available for reuse under the terms of a Creative Commons Zero waiver.

Dryad is also a non-profit membership organization registered in the US, providing a forum for all stakeholders to set priorities for the repository, participate in planning, and share knowledge and coordinate action around data policies.

Dryad is listed in the Registry of Research Data Repositories re3data.org.[2]

  1. ^ Vision, T.J. (2010) Open Data and the Social Contract of Scientific Publishing. BioScience 60(5):330-330. doi:10.1525/bio.2010.60.5.2
  2. ^ "Dryad Entry in re3data.org". www.re3data.org. Retrieved 21 July 2014.