Simulated Large Hadron ColliderCMS particle detector data depicting a Higgs boson produced by colliding protons decaying into hadron jets and electrons
The dual graviton was first hypothesized in 1980.[4] It was theoretically modeled in 2000s,[1][2] which was then predicted in eleven-dimensional mathematics of SO(8) supergravity in the framework of electric-magnetic duality.[3] It again emerged in the E11 generalized geometry in eleven dimensions,[5] and the E7 generalized vielbein-geometry in eleven dimensions.[6] While there is no local coupling between graviton and dual graviton, the field introduced by dual graviton may be coupled to a BF model as non-local gravitational fields in extra dimensions.[7]
A massive dual gravity of Ogievetsky–Polubarinov model[8] can be obtained by coupling the dual graviton field to the curl of its own energy-momentum tensor.[9][10]
The previously mentioned theories of dual graviton are in flat space. In de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces (A)dS, the massless dual graviton exhibits less gauge symmetries dynamics compared with those of Curtright field in flat space, hence the mixed-symmetry field propagates in more degrees of freedom.[11] However, the dual graviton in (A)dS transforms under GL(D) representation, which is identical to that of massive dual graviton in flat space.[12] This apparent paradox can be resolved using the unfolding technique in Brink, Metsaev, and Vasiliev conjecture.[13][14] For the massive dual graviton in (A)dS, the flat limit is clarified after expressing dual field in terms of the Stueckelberg coupling of a massless spin-2 field with a Proca field.[11]