
Set of uniform p-q duoprisms
Type Prismatic uniform 4-polytopes
Schläfli symbol {p}×{q}
Coxeter-Dynkin diagram
Cells p q-gonal prisms,
q p-gonal prisms
Faces pq squares,
p q-gons,
q p-gons
Edges 2pq
Vertices pq
Vertex figure
Symmetry [p,2,q], order 4pq
Dual p-q duopyramid
Properties convex, vertex-uniform
Set of uniform p-p duoprisms
Type Prismatic uniform 4-polytope
Schläfli symbol {p}×{p}
Coxeter-Dynkin diagram
Cells 2p p-gonal prisms
Faces p2 squares,
2p p-gons
Edges 2p2
Vertices p2
Symmetry [p,2,p] = [2p,2+,2p], order 8p2
Dual p-p duopyramid
Properties convex, vertex-uniform, Facet-transitive
A close up inside the 23-29 duoprism projected onto a 3-sphere, and perspective projected to 3-space. As m and n become large, a duoprism approaches the geometry of duocylinder just like a p-gonal prism approaches a cylinder.

In geometry of 4 dimensions or higher, a double prism[1] or duoprism is a polytope resulting from the Cartesian product of two polytopes, each of two dimensions or higher. The Cartesian product of an n-polytope and an m-polytope is an (n+m)-polytope, where n and m are dimensions of 2 (polygon) or higher.

The lowest-dimensional duoprisms exist in 4-dimensional space as 4-polytopes being the Cartesian product of two polygons in 2-dimensional Euclidean space. More precisely, it is the set of points:

where P1 and P2 are the sets of the points contained in the respective polygons. Such a duoprism is convex if both bases are convex, and is bounded by prismatic cells.

  1. ^ The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained, Henry P. Manning, Munn & Company, 1910, New York. Available from the University of Virginia library. Also accessible online: The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained—contains a description of duoprisms (double prisms) and duocylinders (double cylinders). Googlebook