E-government factsheets

eGovernment factsheets are periodical publications which aim to promote good practice sharing among countries of Europe in the field of delivering electronic services to the benefit of Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens.[1][2]

Published biannually, eGovernment factsheets provide a detailed monitoring of the latest eGovernment developments in 34 European countries (EU-27, Croatia, North Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and offer insight and a point of reference for eGovernment practitioners across Europe.

Since December 2014 the factsheets are published on Joinup's National Interoperability Framework Observatory, before that, the factsheets were a part of the European Commission’s information and communication policy for the ePractice.eu initiative.

The factsheets pose as an information hub about the progress being made both on a national and European level in the field of eGovernment services, structured in the following sections:

  • Country Profile: Basic data, indicators and eGovernment State of Play
  • eGovernment History: Main historic developments and key milestones
  • eGovernment Strategy: Main strategic objectives, principles and visions
  • eGovernment Legal Framework: Main legal texts which are impacting the development of eGovernment
  • eGovernment Actors: Main roles and responsibilities within national, regional and local governmental bodies
  • eGovernment Who's Who: The main eGovernment decision-makers and executives
  • eGovernment Infrastructure: The main eGovernment infrastructure components
  • eGovernment Services for Citizens
  • eGovernment Services for Businesses
  1. ^ "e-Library:Factsheets". Archived from the original on 2016-10-19. Retrieved 2016-11-08.
  2. ^ Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy. "Resource Directory". UNECE. Archived from the original on 2007-02-20. Retrieved 2010-01-26.