Economic militarism

Economic militarism is the ideology surrounding the use of military expenditure to prop up an economy, or the use of military power to gain control or access to territory or other economic resources. Thus a link between output and military expenditure can be made. The scope of this effect depend on : threat faced, productivity of factors, degree of the military utilisation, finance method of military spending, its externalities and effectiveness of this military spending in countering the treaty. As a consequence, a same amount of military spending in different countries can have wide-ranging effects.[1]

  1. ^ J. Paul Donne, Ron P. Smith and Dirk Willenbockel (2004-12-16). "Models of military expenditure and growth : a critical revue". Defence and Peace Economics. 16 (6): 449–461. doi:10.1080/10242690500167791. S2CID 18142177.