Edper Investments

Edper Investments Ltd. was the primary holding company and investment vehicle for brothers Edward Bronfman and Peter Bronfman between 1959 and 1995. At its peak in the 1980s, and early 1990s, Edper was one of the largest corporate conglomerates in Canada, controlling more than 500 private and publicly traded companies in a complex structure that was estimated to be worth $100 billion, employed more than 100,000 Canadians, and comprised 15% of the total capitalization of the Toronto Stock Exchange.[1][2]

Edper, whose name is an amalgam of the names of the two Toronto-based brothers, was initially financed with proceeds from their interests in the Seagram Company Ltd. The main investments of their cousins in the Montreal-based branch were managed through their own holding company, Cemp Investments.