
Emmonsite. Locality: San Miguel Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico (size: 6.3 x 4.1 x 1.1 cm)
CategoryTellurite mineral
(repeating unit)
IMA symbolEms[1]
Strunz classification4.JM.10
Crystal systemTriclinic
Crystal classPinacoidal (1)
(same H-M symbol)
Space groupP1
Unit cella = 7.90, b = 8.00
c = 7.62 [Å]; α = 96.73°
β = 95°, γ = 84.47°; Z = 2
ColorYellowish green
Crystal habitThin to hairlike crystals, occurring in rosettes and sprays; also fibrous globular aggregates and crusts
CleavagePerfect on {010}; good on {100} and {001}
Mohs scale hardness5
DiaphaneityOpaque to translucent
Specific gravity4.52–4.55
Optical propertiesBiaxial (-)
Refractive indexnα = 1.962 nβ = 2.090 nγ = 2.100 - 2.120
Birefringenceδ = 0.138 - 0.158
2V angleMeasured: 23°

Emmonsite, also known as durdenite, is an iron tellurite mineral with the formula: Fe2(TeO3)3·2(H2O).[2] Emmonsite forms triclinic crystals.[2] It is of a yellowish-green color, with a vitreous luster,[2] and a hardness of 5 on the Moh scale.[3]

Emmonsite crystal spray from the Moctezuma Mine (3 mm image width)

Emmonsite was first described in 1885 for an occurrence in the Tombstone District, Cochise County, Arizona. It was named for the American geologist, Samuel Franklin Emmons, (1841–1911), of the United States Geological Survey.[2][3]

Emmonsite is found, often with quartz or cerussite in the Tombstone, Arizona area.[3] It is also associated with native tellurium, tellurite, native gold, pyrite, rodalquilarite, mackayite, sonoraite, cuzticite and eztlite.[2]

  1. ^ Warr, L.N. (2021). "IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols". Mineralogical Magazine. 85 (3): 291–320. Bibcode:2021MinM...85..291W. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43. S2CID 235729616.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Mineral Data Publishing, Handbook of Mineralogy pdf
  3. ^ a b c d Emmonsite on Mindat website
  4. ^ Emmonsite data on Webmineral.com