Empire Marketing Board

'Buy Irish Free State Bacon, Buy Australian Sultanas' - Empire Marketing Board poster.
'Making the Empire Christmas pudding', artwork by F C Harrison produced for the Empire Marketing Board

The Empire Marketing Board was formed in May 1926 by the Colonial Secretary Leo Amery to promote intra-Empire trade and to persuade consumers to 'Buy Empire'.[1] It was established as a substitute for tariff reform and protectionist legislation and this is why it was eventually abolished in 1933, as a system of imperial preference replaced free trade. During its brief existence, the Empire Marketing Board was unsuccessful in raising Britain's imports of products from the Empire.[2]

  1. ^ Hack, Karl. "Selling Empire: The Empire Marketing Board". OpenLearn. The Open University. Retrieved 7 June 2013.
  2. ^ Higgins, David M; Varian, Brian D (31 March 2021). "Britain's Empire Marketing Board and the failure of soft trade policy, 1926–33". European Review of Economic History. 25 (heab005): 780–805. doi:10.1093/ereh/heab005. ISSN 1361-4916.