Endor (village)

A map showing Endor in ancient Galilee. The actual location of Endor is disputed.

Endor (Hebrew: עֵין־דֹּר/עֵין דּוֹר ʿĒn-Dōr or עֵין־דֹּארʿĒn-Dōʾr) was a Canaanite city, which is listed in the Book of Joshua (Joshua 17:11) as one of the cities the Israelites failed to dispossess, neither the city nor its dependencies.[1] It was located between the Hill of Moreh and Mount Tabor in the Jezreel Valley. It is mentioned twice more in the Hebrew Bible, in 1 Samuel and in Psalm 83.

  1. ^ Schmidt, 1994, p. 208.