English for specific purposes

English for specific purposes (ESP) is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It usually refers to teaching the English language to university students or people already in employment, with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need. As with any language taught for specific purposes, a given course of ESP will focus on more

occupation or profession, such as Technical English, Scientific English, English for medical professionals, English for waiters, English for tourism, etc.[1] Despite the seemingly limited focus, a course of ESP can have a wide-ranging impact, as is the case with Environmental English.[2]

English for academic purposes, taught to students before or during their degrees, is one sort of ESP, as is Business English. Aviation English is taught to pilots, air traffic controllers and civil aviation cadets to enable clear radio communications.[3]

  1. ^ Esp-world.info
  2. ^ The World We Are Sending Them Off To. A Case for Teaching Environmental English. The Font 2018 Vol. II
  3. ^ "Avia.ru". Archived from the original on 2011-09-30. Retrieved 2009-03-18.