Erato, a Libyan princess, was one of the daughters of King Danaus and naiadPolyxo. Under the command of their father, along with her sisters except Hypermnestra, Erato married and murdered her husband Bromios[5] or Eudaemon[6] at the night of their wedding.
Erato, a Thespian princess as one of the 50 daughters of King Thespius and Megamede[8] or by one of his many wives.[9] When Heracles hunted and ultimately slayed the Cithaeronian lion,[10] Erato with her other sisters, except for one,[11] all laid with the hero in a night,[12] a week[13] or for 50 days[14] as what their father strongly desired it to be.[15] Erato bore Heracles a son, Dynastes.[16]