Eutropia (sister of Constantine I)

Bornafter 293
Rome, Italy
SpouseVirius Nepotianus
FatherConstantius I

Eutropia (died 350) was the daughter of Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus and Flavia Maximiana Theodora, and therefore half-sister of Constantine the Great.[1] She was mother of the short-lived imperial pretender Nepotianus, and was probably killed alongside him by the rival usurper Magnentius in 350.[2]

She was married to Virius Nepotianus, who had been consul in 336, and was a favourite of Constantine the Great.[3]

  1. ^ Reed, J. Eugene, The Lives of the Roman Emperors and Their Associates from Julius Cæsar (B.C. 100) to Agustulus (A.D. 476), Vol. 5, Gebbie & Company, 1884, p. 100
  2. ^ Pauly-Wissowa, Eutropia 2
  3. ^ Holland Smith, John, Constantine the Great, Scribner, 1971, p. 305