Extensor indicis muscle

Extensor indicis proprius
Transverse section across distal ends of radius and ulna. (Label "Ext. indic. prop." visible at bottom center.)
Posterior surface of the left forearm. Deep muscles. Extensor indicis muscle is labeled in purple.
OriginPosterior distal third of ulna and interosseous membrane
InsertionIndex finger (extensor hood)
ArteryPosterior interosseous artery
NervePosterior interosseous nerve
ActionsExtends index finger, wrist
Latinmusculus extensor indicis
Anatomical terms of muscle

In human anatomy, the extensor indicis (proprius) is a narrow, elongated skeletal muscle in the deep layer of the dorsal forearm, placed medial to, and parallel with, the extensor pollicis longus. Its tendon goes to the index finger, which it extends.