FC Serp i Molot Moscow

The Serp i Molot Moscow sports club (Russian: Футбольный клуб «Серп и Молот» Москва, meaning "Sickle and Hammer") was a Soviet and now Russian sports club in the city of Moscow. The club represents the Moscow Metallurgical Plant Serp i Molot since 1922 initially as the Astakhov Club of Sports (AKS) and the Astakhov district club (Rayony klub imeni Astakhova, RKimA).

The club became better known for its football team that since 1936 participated in the All-Union (Soviet) football league competitions as a team of masters (the Soviet newspeak for professional team). Following the World War II, the football team competed at amateur level.

Members of the club were such players who later made and impact as notable football coaches and football functionaries as Boris Arkadyev, Konstantin Beskov, Valentin Granatkin, Grigoriy Fedotov and many others.