Feronia (Etruria)

Map of Latium 400 BC
Feronia plan showing the forum with the sanctuary on its northeastern side
Feronia forum, view from the basilica podium
The Augusteum

Feronia or Lucus Feroniae (Φερωνία, Strabo; Λοῦκος Φηρωνίας, Ptolemy) was an ancient Roman municipium border the present Via Tiberina and Autostrada A1, current Comune of Capena[1] near the present town of Fiano Romano. It is located in the plain along the Tiber Valley, at the foot of Mount Soracte, and was within the ancient territory of Capena.[2] It began as a sanctuary called Lucus Feroniae in the time of Tullus Hostilius (r.672–640 BC) when it was located in Etruria.[3]

It was partially excavated when the A1 Rome-Milan motorway which crosses it was built, and the archaeological site is adjacent to that of the ancient Roman Villa dei Volusii.

  1. ^ "Lucus Feroniae Museum".
  2. ^ "CIvitucola, Archaeological area of Capena".
  3. ^ Filippo Coarelli , The sanctuaries, the river, the emporiums , vol. 13, in Einaudi History of the Greeks and Romans, 2008, p.132.