Fireman's chair knot

Fireman's chair knot
NamesFireman's chair knot, Chair knot, Man-O-War sheepshank, double fool's harness, Shaw special
RelatedHandcuff knot, Sheepshank, Tom fool's knot
Typical useMakeshift rescue harness or handcuffs

A fireman's chair knot (also known as the chair knot, Man-O-War sheepshank, double fool's harness or the Shaw special) is a knot tied in the bight forming two adjustable, lockable loops. The knot consists of a handcuff knot finished with a locking half hitch around each loop.[1] The loops remain adjustable until the half hitches are tightened.

  1. ^ Fire-Fighter Handbook – First Edition (PDF). Comhairle Na Seirbhísí Dóiteáin (Fire Services Council). April 2001. p. 4.106. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-20. Retrieved 2011-03-31.