First Scutari-Ottoman War

First Scutari-Ottoman War
Lufta e Parë Shkodrës-Osmane

Territory held by Kara Mahmud at the height of his power in 1785.
Result Inconclusive
Pashalik of Scutari loses large parts of its territories held outside of the Sanjak of Scutari.

Pashalik of Scutari

Pashalik of Berat (switched to opposing side in 1787)

Holy Roman Empire Austrian Empire
Commanders and leaders
Kara Mahmud Pasha
Ahmed Pasha 

Abdülhamid I (d. 1789)
Selim III
Çavuşoğlu Mehmed Pasha 
Aydoslu Mehmed Pasha
Selim Pasha 
Ali Pasha Tepelena
Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasha
Mehmed Pasha Qausholli 
Ahmet Kurt Pasha X
Ibrahim Bey of Tirana

Holy Roman Empire Emperor Joseph II
Holy Roman Empire Filip Vukasović
Units involved
Shkodran Army
Hoti tribe
Ottoman Army
unknown unknown
Casualties and losses
unknown unknown

The First Scutari-Ottoman War (Albanian: Lufta e Parë Shkodrës-Osmane) was a conflict between Kara Mahmud Pasha, the Pasha of the de facto independent Pashalik of Scutari, and the Ottoman Empire. The war was caused by the expansionist policies of Kara Mahmud, which threatened the central government of the Ottoman Empire.