Freemasonry in Portugal

The first known Freemasons in Portugal were the Swiss John Coustos and two other Portuguese members of his lodge, who were arrested by the Portuguese Inquisition[1] and questioned under torture in the 1740s. Coustos wrote a book detailing his sufferings under the Inquisition and pointed to 1728 as being the year of the first Lodge, although nothing is known of the first years of this Lodge and it was not then recognised by the Grand Lodge of England.[2] Today there are several Masonic Obediences in Portugal.

  1. ^ "História da Maçonaria em Portugal". Maçonaria em Portugal. Archived from the original on 18 November 2021. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ Beck, Anthony (1992). "A short history of Freemasonry in Portugal". British Historical Society of Portugal Annual Report. 19. Retrieved 3 April 2020.