Freestyle scootering

Freestyle scootering (also known as scootering or scooter riding) is an extreme sport that involves using kick scooters to perform freestyle tricks. This is done mainly in skateparks but also in urban environments on obstacles such as stairs, hand rails and curbs. Freestyle scootering gained popularity following the Razor craze in the early 2000s[1] after the invention of the foldable aluminium scooter by Micro Mobility Systems in 1999. Since then the construction of pro scooters have progressed immensely, making it a big business with many brands solely focusing on creating trick scooters worldwide.

A scooter rider grinding a rainbow rail in the streets of Trondheim, Norway.
  1. ^ Yudin, Eli (2022-10-16). "Revisiting The Brief Reign Of The Razor Scooter". Retrieved 2023-01-02.