Garrat Elections

"Sir" Harry Dimsdale, a muffin seller elected as the final Mayor of Garrat in 1796

The Garrat Elections were a carnival of mock elections in Wandsworth, Surrey (now part of London), England in the 18th century. The events were organized around 20 May[1] and would see crowds of tens of thousands travelling five miles (8.0 km) from London to take part. The elections were held for at least fifty years before declining after the death of Mayor "Sir" Harry Dimsdale in 1796.

Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, originally published in 1785 by Francis Grose, described the Garrat Election as:

A ludicrous ceremony, practiced every new parliament: it consists of a mock election of two members to represent the borough of Garret [sic] (a few straggling cottages, near Wandsworth, in Surrey). The qualification of a voter is, having enjoyed a woman, in the open air, within that district: the candidates are commonly fellows of low humor, who dress themselves up in a ridiculous manner. As this brings a prodigious concourse of people to Wandsworth, the publicans of that place jointly contribute to the expense, which is sometimes considerable.[2]

  1. ^ Chambers 1869.
  2. ^ Egan 1823, p. 130.