
Playing range
1 octave
Related instruments

The gemshorn is an instrument of the ocarina family that was historically made from the horn of a chamois, goat, or other suitable animal.[1] The gemshorn receives its name from the German language, in which Gemshorn means a "chamois horn".[2] According to Etymologist Francesco Perono Cacciafoco, the form could have prehistoric origins and come from Proto-Germanic *gămĭtă-χŭrnă-n < Indo-European *gʱŏm-ĭdó-ḱrhₐ-nŏ-m (or *gʱŏm-ĭdó-ḱrhₐ-nŏ-m) > Gämshorn, indicating a "'specific' wind instrument, crafted by using the horns of ungulated animals and different from a hunting horn or a signaling horn".[3]

  1. ^ Windkanal 2/01 p. 9
  2. ^ Perono Cacciafoco, Francesco. 2022. The Puzzle of a Horn: An Etymology for the Word 'Gemshorn'. Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics / Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Ştiințe Filologice, Linguistică, 44, 1 / 2: 141-154, link.
  3. ^ Perono Cacciafoco, Francesco. 2022. The Puzzle of a Horn: An Etymology for the Word 'Gemshorn'. Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics / Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Ştiințe Filologice, Linguistică, 44, 1 / 2: 148-149, link.