Genographic Project

Genographic Project

The Genographic Project, launched on 13 April 2005 by the National Geographic Society and IBM, was a genetic anthropological study (sales discontinued on 31 May 2019) that aimed to map historical human migrations patterns by collecting and analyzing DNA samples.[1] The final phase of the project was Geno 2.0 Next Generation.[2] Upon retirement of the site, 1,006,542 participants in over 140 countries had joined the project.[citation needed]

  1. ^ "Council for Responsible Genetics". Archived from the original on 16 May 2008. Retrieved 16 May 2015.
  2. ^ "Geno 2.0 Next Generation". National Geographic. 28 June 2018. Archived from the original on 22 January 2013. Retrieved 28 June 2018.