Giovanni Badoer

Giovanni Badoer or Zuan Badoer (c. 1465 – January 1535) was a poet, politician and diplomat of the Republic of Venice.

Badoer was the resident ambassador in Spain (1498–1499; 1512–1514), Naples (1500–1501), Hungary (1501–1503), the Holy See (1507–1508) and France (1516–1517; 1520–1524), and special ambassador to Poland (1502) and the Holy See (1534). The low point of his career came with his failure to stop the League of Cambrai in 1509. He was podestà of Chioggia (1504–1506), Brescia (1518–1519) and Padua (1531–1532), and captain of Verona (1525–1526). He played a leading role in the reform of Venetian statutes in 1528–1529.

In his youth, Badoer wrote poetry. He obtained a doctorate from the University of Padua and a knighthood in Hungary. He was also a patron of humanist scholars recovering the classics, such as Giorgio Valla and Vettor Fausto.