
King of Sapadalaksha
Reignc. 771–784 CE
PredecessorChandraraja I
SuccessorDurlabharaja I
DynastyChahamanas of Shakambhari

Gopendra-Raja (r. c. 771–784 CE) was an Indian king belonging to the Chahamana dynasty that ruled parts of present-day Rajasthan in north-western India. He is also known as Gopendraka.[1]

Gopendra succeeded his brother Chandraraja I as the Chahamana king. According to Prithviraja Vijaya, their father was Vigraharaja I.[2] The later Hammira Mahakavya, however, states that their father was Vigraharaja's ancestor Naradeva.[3]

The Prabandha-Kosha states that Gopendra defeated one Sultan Beg Varisa in a battle.[4] Historian R. B. Singh theorizes that Beg Varisa might have been a subordinate of the Arab general Muhammad bin Qasim.[5]

Gopendra was succeeded by his nephew Durlabharaja I, who was the son of Chandraraja I.[2]