Gregor Schoeler

Gregor Schoeler

Gregor Schoeler (born 27 July 1944 in Waldshut, Germany) is an Arabist and Islamicist with German and Swiss citizenship. His areas of research are the biography (Sīrah) of Muhammad, the Islamic system of teaching and transmission, Hadith, classical Arabic and Persian literature, especially Arabic poetry, belles-lettres and literary theory, the description of Arabic manuscripts and the classical heritage in Islam. In his research on the biography of Muhammad, he used individual examples to reconstruct the ways in which the accounts of Muhammad were transmitted, and showed that many of these accounts can be traced back to Urwa ibn al-Zubayr (d. 712/13), the nephew of Muhammad's wife ʿĀ'isha bint Abī Bakr. He also helped develop the method of isnād-cum-matn analysis.