
The Gyeyul (Korean계율종; Hanja戒律宗; RRGyeyuljong and Yul jong 律宗, or Vinaya in Sanskrit) school, founded by the Korean monk Gyeomik who went to India in 526 CE to learn Sanskrit and study the Vinaya, is the Korean name applied to a branch of Buddhism that specializes in the study and implementation of śīla (yuljang 律藏) the "moral discipline" or ""Buddhist ethics". It derives directly from the Indian Vinaya School.[1][2] Gyeomik went to India from Baekje to study the trepitaka vedatta at "Sangana Vinaya Temple", translated the text into a book called "yulmun" in Korea, and transmitted the Sanskrit from India to Korea. When Baekje, which is one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, the translated text and the Gyeyul monastic order were lost.[2]

Vinaya monk Jajang (590–658 CE), born in Silla as a true bone (jin'gol) aristocrat, revived the Gyeyul order and built the Woljeongsa temple in 643 of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism on the eastern slopes of Odaesan in Pyeongchang County. In 641 CE, Jajang and his disciple Seungsil travelled to Tang dynasty China where he received bone relic of Buddha's crown, Śarīra relics and an honorary robe. He also visited Yunju Temple where he stayed until his return to Silla in 643 CE.[3]

  1. ^ The Buddhist Religion: a historical introduction. Richard H. Robinson, Willard L. Johnson, Sandra Ann Wawrytko. Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1996
  2. ^ a b Korean Buddhism has its own unique characteristics different from other countries,, Jun 16, 2019.
  3. ^ Gim Yeongsu, 2016, Sheaves of Korean Buddhist History: Joseon Bulgyosa, Korean Buddhism Library.