HM Prison Bullingdon

His Majesty's Prison and Young Offenders Institute Bullingdon
LocationArncott, Oxfordshire
StatusFull Operational Capacity
Security classCategory B
CapacityHMP & YOI Local and Resettlement
PopulationCertified - 869 Maximum Capacity - 1,114 (as of April 2018)
Managed byHM Prison and Probation Service Ministry of Justice (United Kingdom)
GovernorLaura Sapwell
WebsiteBullingdon at

HM Prison and Young Offenders Institute Bullingdon is a prison in Oxfordshire, England. It is a public sector prison operated by HM Prison and Probation Service (an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice).

Located near MoD Bicester, it is a local and resettlement prison accepting Security Category B male prisoners. (New admissions from courts are generally sent to 'local' prisons and are considered as a Category B prisoner until their initial security assessment.) Prisoners must be over the age of 18 (as a Young Offender (YO)). As YO prisoners are not subject to the same 4 level security category, they are either considered 'YOI Closed' or 'YOI Open' - depending on whether they are suitable for transfer to open conditions.

The prison generally only holds prisoners on short sentences (under 12 months) and those on remand. With the additional resettlement function, prisoners in the local area of the prison should be transferred for their 12-week pre-release period.

HMP & YOI Bullingdon also has a dedicated 'Vulnerable Prisoners' unit which holds several hundred sex offenders who are at Bullingdon in order to complete a Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP).