Hadad the Edomite

Hadad the Edomite is a character mentioned in the First Book of Kings who was an adversary of King Solomon after Solomon turned to idols. Some scholars believe the text should read Hadad the Aramean.[1]

And the LORD raised up an adversary against Solomon, Hadad the Edomite.

— 1 Kings 11:14, ESV

According to the account in 1 Kings, Hadad was a survivor of the royal house of Edom after the slaughter at the hands of Joab. He escaped as a child to Egypt, where he was raised by Pharaoh and married the queen's sister. After the death of King David, Hadad returned to try to reclaim the throne of Edom.[2] Hadad's campaign to recapture Edom apparently met with success, as 1 Kings 11:25 states that another of Solomon's adversaries, Rezon the son of Eliada, did harm to Solomon "as Hadad did".

Hadad did "evil" to King Solomon after gathering together a "marauding band"; Hadad "abhorred Israel and reigned over Aram (Syria)".[3] Further, an Edomite princess is listed among the wives of King Solomon.[4]

Along with Rezon the Syrian, Hadad is one of two characters described as a satan to Solomon, a word which was left untranslated and transliterated into Greek letters in the Septuagint.

  1. ^ Habakkuk: Volume 44 - Page 117 Robert Donel Haak - 1992 André Lemaire, 'Hadad 1'Edomite ou Hadad 1'Arameen?' Biblische Notizen 43 (1988) 14-18 who concludes that it is likely that ... and Aram Naharaim,' in The Biblical Archaeologist Reader, "
  2. ^ 1 Kings 11:14–22
  3. ^ 1 Kings 11:24-25.
  4. ^ 1 Kings 11:1.