Hadi Sharara

Hadi Riad Sharara (or Hady Sharara, Arabic: هادي شرارة, born 1969) is a Lebanese music arranger, composer and producer.[1] He is the son of the famous Lebanese television anchor Riad Sharara[2][3] and the husband of the famous Lebanese singer of Carole Sakr.[4]

He has also been the music producer of the Arabic versions of The X Factor[5] and Dancing with the Stars.[6]

He was subject to criticism because of his statements during the "Menna w Jerr" episode by Pierre Rabbat on MTV, considering that the artist Maya Diab possesses the qualifications that his father Riad Sharara had,[2] which prompted him to issue an explanation during which he declared his remorse for appearing in the program.[7][8]

  1. ^ "هادي شرارة يتذكّر أغاني الثمانينات" [Hadi Sharara remembers the songs of the eighties]. al-akhbar.com (in Arabic). Retrieved 2021-02-20.
  2. ^ a b "هادي شرارة: مايا دياب «خليفة» أبي!" [Hadi Sharara: Maya Diab is my father's "successor"!]. al-akhbar.com (in Arabic). Retrieved 2021-02-20.
  3. ^ "شتان ما بين مايا ورياض شرارة" [There is a big difference between Maya and Riad Sharara]. al-akhbar.com (in Arabic). Retrieved 2021-02-20.
  4. ^ "هل انفصل هادي شرارة عن كارول صقر لأجل مايا دياب؟" [Did Hadi Sharara break up with Carole Saker for Maya Diab]. IMLebanon. 2019-03-11. Retrieved 2021-02-20.
  5. ^ "الملحن هادي شرارة: زوجتي تمت محاربتها فى 'ستار أكاديمي' .. و'روتانا' تراجعت بسبب هبلها" [Composer Hadi Sharara: My wife was fought in 'Star Academy'... and 'Rotana' backed down because of her stupidity]. elfagronline.com. Retrieved 2021-02-20.
  6. ^ "مايا دياب تُطِلُّ بلوحتين وعلي محمود وميرفيت بهلوان يغادران "يلا نرقص"" [Maya Diab appears in two paintings, and Ali Mahmoud and Mervat Bahlawan leave "Yalla Nerqs"]. Elaph (in Arabic). Retrieved 2021-02-24.
  7. ^ "هجوم عنيف من هادي شرارة على "منّا وجر".. أنا نادم والحوار سخيف!" [A violent attack by Hadi Sharara on "Mana Wa Jar".. I regret it and the dialogue is ridiculous!]. Lebanon24 (in Arabic). Retrieved 2021-02-20.
  8. ^ "بيار رباط يتوعّد بالردّ على هادي شرارة" [Pierre Rabbat threatens to respond to Hadi Sharara]. annahar.com. Retrieved 2021-02-20.