Health Board (Estonia)

Estonian Health Board (headquarters), Paldiski maantee 81, Tallinn

The Estonian Health Board is an Estonian governmental agency in the area of responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs.[1] The agency contributes to health care and ensures health protection, environmental health, chemical safety, and the safety of medical devices in Estonia through preemptive and complaint-based supervision in the aforementioned domains.[2] Additionally, the agency provides chargeable laboratory services to for example determine drinking water quality.[3]

  1. ^ "Home | Sotsiaalministeerium".
  2. ^ "Tervishoiuameti, Tervisekaitseinspektsiooni ja Kemikaalide Teabekeskuse Terviseametiks ühendamisega seonduv Vabariigi Valitsuse seaduse ja teiste seaduste muutmise seadus – Riigi Teataja".
  3. ^ "Terviseametist :: Terviseamet".