Henri Capitant

Autochrome portrait by Georges Chevalier, 1927

Henri Capitant (1865–1937) was a French jurist.

He was a professor and noted teacher of law at Grenoble (1891) and at the Faculty of Law of Paris (1908). Several of his legal textbooks have had a lasting effect on French legal education, including Introduction à l' étude du droit civil (1898), Cours élémentaire de droit civil (1914-16 with Ambroise Colin), Questions de droit civil (1933) and Grands arrêts de la jurisprudence civile (1934).

Capitant pursued an ideal of the unity of legal education, jurisprudence and legislation. A declared conservative, he objected to legal innovation, which he saw as generally threatening to a purpose of law – the preservation of individual liberty. He co-founded the Paris Institute of Comparative Law in 1931.