High-g training

The 20 g centrifuge at the NASA Ames Research Center

High-g training is done by aviators and astronauts who are subject to high levels of acceleration ('g'). It is designed to prevent a g-induced loss of consciousness (g-LOC), a situation when the action of g-forces moves the blood away from the brain to the extent that consciousness is lost. Incidents of acceleration-induced loss of consciousness have caused fatal accidents in aircraft capable of sustaining high-g for considerable periods.

The value of training has been well established during the decades since the 1970s and has been the subject of much research and literature, and training has contributed to extending pilots' g tolerance in both magnitude and duration.[1] Training includes centrifuge, Anti-g Straining Maneuvers (AGSM), and acceleration physiology.

  1. ^ "Centrifuge Training". Archived from the original on 2007-08-02. Retrieved 2008-02-04.