Hill's spherical vortex

Hill's spherical vortex is an exact solution of the Euler equations that is commonly used to model a vortex ring. The solution is also used to model the velocity distribution inside a spherical drop of one fluid moving at a constant velocity through another fluid at small Reynolds number.[1] The vortex is named after Micaiah John Muller Hill who discovered the exact solution in 1894.[2] The two-dimensional analogue of this vortex is the Lamb–Chaplygin dipole.

The solution is described in the spherical polar coordinates system with corresponding velocity components . The velocity components are identified from Stokes stream function as follows

The Hill's spherical vortex is described by[3]

where is a constant freestream velocity far away from the origin and is the radius of the sphere within which the vorticity is non-zero. For , the vorticity is zero and the solution described above in that range is nothing but the potential flow past a sphere of radius . The only non-zero vorticity component for is the azimuthal component that is given by

Note that here the parameters and can be scaled out by non-dimensionalization.

  1. ^ Batchelor, G. K. (2000). An introduction to fluid dynamics. Cambridge university press. page 526
  2. ^ Hill, M. J. M. (1894). VI. On a spherical vortex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.(A.), (185), 213–245.
  3. ^ Acheson, D. J. (1991). Elementary fluid dynamics. page. 175