Historia de Sancto Cuthberto

Historia de Sancto Cuthberto
"History of St Cuthbert"
The opening page of the Historia de Sancto Cuthberto in the Cambridge University Library Ff. 1.27 manuscript
Full titleHistoria de Sancto Cuthberto et de Commemoratione Locorum Regionumque Eius Priscae Possessionis, a Primordio usque Nunc Temporis
PatronBishopric of Durham
Datemid- to late-11th century
ProvenanceDurham Cathedral
State of existencethree witnesses
Manuscript(s)Oxford Bodleian Library, Bodley 596; Cambridge University Library, Ff. 1.27; Lincoln's Inn London Hale 114
First printed editionRoger Twysden, Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X (1652)
GenreChronicle cartulary
Lengthc. 6500 words
SubjectSt Cuthbert and the property of the church of St Cuthbert
Period covered7th century to 1031
PersonagesSt Cuthbert, Bishop Ecgred, Abbot Eadred, Cuthheard
Cuthbert's incorrupt body. 12th-century miniature from British Library Yates Thomson MS 26 version of Bede's prose Life of St Cuthbert

The Historia de Sancto Cuthberto ("History of St Cuthbert") is a historical compilation finished some time after 1031. It is an account of the history of the bishopric of St Cuthbert—based successively at Lindisfarne, Norham, Chester-le-Street and finally Durham—from the life of St Cuthbert himself onwards. The latest event documented is a grant by King Cnut, c. 1031. The work is a cartulary chronicle recording grants and losses of property as well as miracles of retribution, under a loose narrative of temporal progression. The text survives in three manuscripts, the earliest of which dates from around 1100. The original version of the text is not thought to be extant; rather, all surviving manuscripts are thought to be copies of an earlier but lost exemplar. The Historia is one of the sources for the histories produced at Durham in the early 12th century, particularly the Historia Regum and Symeon of Durham's Libellus de Exordio.