House of Miskito

The Miskito
Ulta Miskitu

The Miskitu, The Miskut
Royal house
CountryHonduras, Nicaragua
Current regionCentral America
FounderTa Uplika
Final rulerRobert Henry Clarence II
Final headNorton Cuthbert Clarence
  • King of the Miskito people
  • Hereditary chief of the Moskitia
  • Heir to the throne of the Moskitia

The House of Miskito, also called the Miskitu or the Miskut, was a noble family from the Miskito coast that came to reign over part of the current territories on the Caribbean coast of Honduras and Nicaragua between 1687 and 1894, under the Kingdom of Mosquitia. Their kingdom became a British protectorate and was one of the last existing ruling monarchies in the Americas.