Iceberg A-38

Iceberg A-38 soon after calving

A-38 was a large iceberg that split from the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf in Antarctica in October 1998. Soon after formation it split into two pieces, A-38A and A-38B, which drifted westwards on the Weddell Gyre. The icebergs moved north along the Antarctic Peninsula and reached its tip in February 2003. A-38A and A-38B increased speed in open sea and grounded in shallower waters to the east of South Georgia Island in December 2003. A-38A broke up into three pieces in March 2004 and drifted north where it decayed. A-38B split into two in April, with the eastern portion, now known as A-38G, drifting north and west to decay. The remainder of A-38B remained grounded, interfering with the foraging routes of seals and penguins in South Georgia, resulting in the deaths of their young. On 20 August 2004, A38-B broke into two, with the new portion drifting north and breaking up. The remainder of A-38B continued to break up through September 2004 and had completely decayed by 2005.