Iorgu Iordan

Iordan in 1980

Iorgu Iordan (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈjorɡu jorˈdan]; also known as Jorgu Jordan or Iorgu Jordan; September 29 [O.S. October 11] 1888 – September 20, 1986) was a Romanian linguist, philologist, diplomat, journalist, and left-wing agrarian, later communist, politician. The author of works on a large variety of topics, most of them dealing with issues of the Romanian language and Romance languages in general, he was elected a full member of the Romanian Academy in 1945. He was head of its Institute of Linguistics (currently named after him and Alexandru Rosetti) between 1949 and his retirement in 1962.

He was the author of several Romanian language instruments, published under the aegis of the Romanian Academy (including Dicționarul limbii române – "Dictionary of the Romanian Language", Micul Dicționar Academic – "Concise Dictionary of the Academy" and Îndreptar ortografic, ortoepic și de punctuație – "Guide to Orthography, Orthoepy and Punctuation").