Irrigation in Bolivia

Irrigation in Bolivia
Land area1,084 km2
Agricultural land34%
Cultivated area equipped for irrigation3.9%
Irrigated area~226,500 ha
  • Surface irrigation: 128,000 ha
  • Sprinkler irrigation: 300 ha
Share of irrigated agriculture in GDP14% (2000–2004)
Water sources for irrigationSurface water
Tariff~0.05 US$/m3

Bolivia’s government considers irrigated agriculture as a major contributor to "better quality of life, rural and national development." After a period of social unrest caused by the privatization of water supply in Cochabamba and La Paz, the government of Evo Morales is undertaking a major institutional reform in the water resources management and particularly in the irrigation sector, aimed at: (i) including indigenous and rural communities in decision making, (ii) integrating technical and traditional knowledge on water resources management and irrigation, (iii) granting and registering water rights, (iv) increasing efficiency of irrigation infrastructure, (v) enhancing water quality, and (v) promoting necessary investment and financial sustainability in the sector. Bolivia is the first country in Latin America with a ministry dedicated exclusively to integrated water resources management: the Water Ministry.