Jan Baptist Wolfaerts

Dune landscape with a peasant woman milking sheep outside a farmhouse

Jan Baptist Wolfaerts[1] (Antwerp, baptized on 15 November 1625 – Antwerp (?), between 1671 and 1687) was a Flemish painter known for his pastoral landscape with shepherds and cattle and Italianate landscapes. He trained in Antwerp and subsequently worked for extensive periods in Italy and the Dutch Republic.[2]

  1. ^ Also called: Jan Baptist Wolfaers, Jan Baptist Woolfaert, Jan Wolvertsz., Jan Baptist Wholfaert, Jan Baptist Wolfart, Jan Baptist Wolfert, Jan Baptist Wolferts, Jan Wolffertsz., Jan Baptist Wolffordt, Jan Baptist Wolfaert, Jan Baptist Wolfraat, Jan Baptist Wolfordt
  2. ^ Jan Baptist Wolfaerts at the Netherlands Institute for Art History (in Dutch)