Jan Wellens de Cock

Pseudo Jan Wellens de Cock, Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child in an extensive river landscape, formerly collection of Friedrich von Bissing

Jan Wellens de Cock or Jan de Cock (c. 1460/1480 – in or before 1521) was a Flemish painter, woodblock artist and draftsman of the Northern Renaissance active in Antwerp.[1] Recent discoveries and a re-evaluation of the links between the works attributed to Wellens de Cock and those of contemporaneous artists of Leiden have caused a large portion and potentially all of the works formerly attributed to him to be re-attributed to one or more anonymous artists active in Antwerp or Leiden referred to by the notname Pseudo Jan Wellens de Cock or Master J. Kock or some other anonymous artists believed to have worked in Leiden in the studio or immediate circle of Cornelis Engebrechtsz.[2][3]