Japanese Anarchist Federation

The Japanese Anarchist Federation (日本アナキスト連盟, Nihon Anakisuto Renmei) was an anarchist organisation that existed in Japan from 1946 to 1968.

Formed in May 1946, shortly following the Second World War, the JAF was plagued by disputes between anarcho-communists and anarcho-syndicalists. These divisions culminated in its dissolution in October 1950. By 1956, anarcho-syndicalists reconstituted the Anarchist Federation, while anarcho-communists formed their own Japan Anarchist Club.

The JAF was involved in direct action in numerous forms, including anti-war agitation against the Korean War and Vietnam War, and protests against the 1960 Japan-US Security Treaty and the 1965 Japan-South Korea Treaty.

While anarchism gained support within the Zengakuren and Zenkyoto student groups during the 1960s, the Japanese Anarchist Federation remained a small organisation with little direct influence, and resolved to dissolve itself in 1968.

Another group calling itself the Anarchist Federation formed in October 1988.