Java Community Process

The Java Community Process (JCP), established in 1998, is a formal mechanism that enables interested parties to develop standard technical specifications for Java technology. Becoming a member of the JCP requires solid knowledge of the Java programming language, its specifications, and best practices in software development. Membership in the JCP involves a detailed review of the candidate's profile, including an assessment by current members. Typically, professionals are invited to join the JCP based on their contributions and reputation within the Java community.

Once invited, the new member undergoes an evaluation by the JCP Executive Committee, ensuring that they can effectively contribute to the Java Specification Requests (JSRs). These formal documents describe proposed specifications and technologies to be added to the Java platform. New members are encouraged to engage actively and play a crucial role in supporting the Java community and its releases. It is essential that members possess expertise and in-depth technical knowledge, combined with strong professional experience, to significantly contribute to the growth and usage of the Java language.

Membership for organizations and commercial entities requires annual fees, but it is free for individuals. JSRs undergo formal public reviews before becoming final, and the JCP Executive Committee votes on their approval. A finalized JSR provides a reference implementation, which is a free implementation of the technology in source code form, and a Technology Compatibility Kit to verify the API specification.

The JCP itself is described by a JSR. As of 2020, JSR 387 describes the current version (2.11) of the JCP.