Jay Valgora

Jay Valgora
PracticeStudio V Architecture
BuildingsEmpire Stores, Iwataya Passage, Yonkers Raceway Expansion, Macy's Herald Square
ProjectsIndustry City master plan (Bush Terminal),

Seaside, Queens master plan, the Rockaways, NY

Anable Basin, original master plan Long Island City, NY

Gerald Valgora (/jeɪ væl-gɔr-a/;) also known as Jay Valgora, is an American architect, architectural theorist, and urbanist.  He is the founder and principal of the architectural design firm Studio V.[1][2][3][4]

  1. ^ Goff, Lisa (2008-02-18). "Young architecture firms land work in the boroughs" (PDF). Cran's. XXIV (7): 28.
  2. ^ "Jay Valgora: Industrial Revolution". soa.syr.edu. Retrieved 2023-01-18.
  3. ^ "Astoria Cove Architect: East River is 'Next Central Park'". Commercial Observer. 2014-11-04. Retrieved 2023-01-18.
  4. ^ "Coming Soon To Brooklyn: A Silicon Valley-Like Tech Hub On The East River". Fast Company. 2014-05-02.