Jayasimha I of Malwa

Jayasimha I of Malwa
Parama-bhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Parameshvara
King of Malwa
Reignc. 1055 – c. 1070 CE
Mandhata is located in Madhya Pradesh
Location of Mandhata, where the only available inscription of Jayasimha has been found

Jayasimha (reigned c. 1055-1070 CE) was the ruler of the Kingdom of Malwa in central India. He was the successor, and possibly the son, of the dynasty's most powerful king Bhoja. He appears to have ascended the throne with the support of the Kalyani Chalukya prince Vikramaditya VI, and appears to have been dethroned by Vikramaditya's rival brother Someshvara II.