Johann Friedrich von Salm-Grumbach

Likely Johann Friedrich of Salm-Grumbach, drawing by Johannes Cornelis Mertens (1752–1823).[1]
Swearing on the (provisional) Constitution in Utrecht on 12. October 1786; also John Adams was present
Parade of the free corps, and auxiliary troops in Utrecht on 2 September 1787. Representation of the Rhinegrave Johann Friedrich of Salm-Grumbach, as commander-in-chief in the middle (K) with his striking hairstyle. Drawing by Johannes Jelgerhuis
Troops of the Patriotten leave Utrecht late in the evening on Saturday, 15 September 1787
Gezigt van het geschut op den Buiten Amstel, na Ouderkerk te zien 1787

Johann Friedrich von Salm-Grumbach (5 November 1743 - 11 September 1819) was a member of the noble family of Wild and Rhinegrave from the line of Salm-Grumbach. In the mid-1780s, he served as colonel of a legion of the States General of the Netherlands, then of the States of Holland and West Friesland.[2] As the intended successor to Field Marshal Duke Louis Ernest of Brunswick-Lüneburg, who had left the Netherlands in October 1784, he played a significant role in the conflict between the Dutch Patriots and Orangists until mid-September 1787.

Supported by the Patriots, who advocated for a representative representation of the bourgeoisie, he temporarily assumed the position of de facto general and commander-in-chief of the armed forces in Holland in 1786; de jure, Albert van Rijssel was appointed. Later, he commanded several Free Corps in Utrecht until the Prussian invasion of Holland in 1787 strengthened the position of the Stadtholder William V of Orange again. Criticism of Salm's military judgment arose primarily due to the hasty evacuation of Utrecht; afterwards, he was often referred to as a "stylish failure".

For many years, Johann Friedrich von Salm-Grumbach has been confused with Prince Frederick III, Prince of Salm-Kyrburg in various writings, which have been written in several languages.[3][4][5] Contemporaries such as the Duke of Brunswick, his former adjutant Quint Ondaatje, August Ludwig Schlözer, and General Von Pfau,[6][7][8][9][10] as well as many other German historians, hold a different opinion.[11][12][13][14][15][16][17]

  1. ^ Het Utrechts Archief
  2. ^ August Ludwig von Schlözer: Ludwig Ernst, Herzog zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg, kaiserl. königl. und des h. Römischen Reiches FeldMarschall etc.: Ein Aktenmäßiger Bericht […]. 3. Ausgabe, Vandenhoek-Ruprechtscher Verlag, Göttingen 1787, S. 615 (PDF)
  3. ^ Pierre de Witt (1886) Une Invasion prussienne en Hollande en 1787. Revue des Deux Mondes, 3e période, tome 74, p. 129-164.
  4. ^ H.T. Colenbrander (1899) De patriottentijd. Deel 3: 1786-1787, Register
  5. ^ Simon Schama (1977) Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands, 1780-1813, p. 108, 739
  6. ^ Eclaircissemens importans Concernant le Complot de l'Enlévement des Papiers de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc de Brunswick, relaas met bewijsstukken van het complot door Varanchan de St.-Génié en de Rijngraaf van Salm Grumbach om belastende documenten van de hertog van Brunswijk in 1785 in handen te spelen van de auditeur-militair van de Republiek te Maastricht. Gedrukt, 1786
  7. ^ DBNL (1869) Mr. Ph. Jurriaan Quint Ondaatje von M.P.J. Ondaatje, p. 58
  8. ^ DBNL (1869) Mr. Ph. Jurriaan Quint Ondaatje von M.P.J. Ondaatje, p. 55
  9. ^ Ludwig Ernst, Herzog Zu Braunschweig Und Lüneburg, kaiserl. königl. und des h. Römischen Reichs FeldMarschall, Göttingen 1787, S. 615
  10. ^ Theodor Philipp von Pfau (1790) Geschichte des Preussischen Feldzuges in der Provinz Holland im Jahr 1787, S. 7-8
  11. ^ Gottlob Friedrich Krebel: Europäisches Genealogisches Handbuch. Johann Friedrich Gleditsche Handlung, Leipzig 1790, S. 32 (Google Books)
  12. ^ Genealogisches und Staats-Handbuch. 65. Jahrgang, Verlag von Johann Friedrich Wenner, Frankfurt am Main 1827, S. 555, 557 (Google Books)
  13. ^ Hermann Wendel: Die beiden Salm, ein Justizirrtum der Geschichte. In: Frankfurter Zeitung, 24. Februar 1933; vgl. Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française. Vol. 10 (1933), S. 360
  14. ^ Georg Weber (1888) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Geistes- und Culturlebens der Völker und mit Benutzung der neueren geschichtlichen Forschungen. Das Zeitalter der Reformen und Revolutionen, Band 13, S. 385, 387
  15. ^ Friedrich Christoph Schlosser: Geschiedenis der achttiende eeuw en der negentiende tot den ondergang van het Fransche keizerrijk. Band 3, van Druten & Bleeker, Sneek 1859, S. 304, 309 (Google Books)
  16. ^ Olaf van Nimwegen (2017) De Nederlandse Burgeroorlog (1748-1815)
  17. ^ Peter Tomson (2021) Cornelis van Foreest: Beginselvast bestuurder in een tijdperk van revoluties, S. 55