Joule expansion

The Joule expansion, in which a volume Vi = V0 is expanded to a volume Vf = 2V0 in a thermally isolated chamber.
A free expansion of a gas can be achieved by moving the piston out faster than the fastest molecules in the gas.
This free expansion is irreversible but can be quasi-static for each chamber: quasi-equilibrium is retained for each part but not for the whole system

The Joule expansion (a subset of free expansion) is an irreversible process in thermodynamics in which a volume of gas is kept in one side of a thermally isolated container (via a small partition), with the other side of the container being evacuated. The partition between the two parts of the container is then opened, and the gas fills the whole container.

The Joule expansion, treated as a thought experiment involving ideal gases, is a useful exercise in classical thermodynamics. It provides a convenient example for calculating changes in thermodynamic quantities, including the resulting increase in entropy of the universe (entropy production) that results from this inherently irreversible process. An actual Joule expansion experiment necessarily involves real gases; the temperature change in such a process provides a measure of intermolecular forces.

This type of expansion is named after James Prescott Joule who used this expansion, in 1845, in his study for the mechanical equivalent of heat, but this expansion was known long before Joule e.g. by John Leslie, in the beginning of the 19th century, and studied by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in 1807 with similar results as obtained by Joule.[1][2]

The Joule expansion should not be confused with the Joule–Thomson expansion or throttling process which refers to the steady flow of a gas from a region of higher pressure to one of lower pressure via a valve or porous plug.

  1. ^ D.S.L. Cardwell, From Watt to Clausius, Heinemann, London (1957)
  2. ^ M.J. Klein, Principles of the theory of heat, D. Reidel Pub.Cy., Dordrecht (1986)